| 1. | Develop a technique 发明一种技术 |
| 2. | The chinese , a people who invented gunpowder and the compass were also the first to develop a technique of unarmed combat 中国人,这个发明火药和罗盘的民族,首先发展出徒手格斗技术。 |
| 3. | Researchers at diongging ( changgeng ) hospital developed a technique for growing cornea in the lab from a small piece to the full size ( like skin tissues ) and then transplanting it to restore vision , without relying on donors 长庚病院眼科研究出一款技术,会使用细块眼角膜培养到有够大块了后,即恪移植乎青瞑耶郎恢复光明。 |
| 4. | In contrast to the broken lines painted by conventional brush contact , pollock had developed a technique in which he poured a constant stream of paint onto horizontal canvases to produce uniquely continuous trajectories 传统笔触是一条条断开的线,对照之下,帕洛克发展出一种技巧,能够源源不绝将油彩倾?在横展的画布上,从而创造出独特的连续轨线。 |
| 5. | It is extremely desirable to have a better understanding of the quantum dot ( qd ) dynamics and to develop a technique to control the localization of electrons which is of possible application in quantum computation and quantum information processing 鉴于量子点系统中电子局域化控制在量子计算和量子信息处理中的广泛应用,人们迫切希望对此动力学系统能有更深入细致的了解。 |
| 6. | In character recognition , we proposed a concept of " rough skeleton " , and developed a technique of skeleton extractin g based on non - thinning process of characters via three steps : character discomposed based component , local skeleton extraction and global skeleton connection 根据骨架特征,利用的图论的理论与方法,我们提出了一种提取包括笔划特征与笔划结构特征的字符识别特征的提取技术。 |
| 7. | The currently available satellites , however , are single polarization , single frequency sensors such as ers - 1 / 2 , radarsat , and jers - 1 . there is a need to develop a technique to estimate soil moisture information from these available data sources at both regional and local scales 传统的测量方法,如重量法测量和时域反射计都是基于点的测量方法,需要实地操作和烦杂的后处理过程,而且无法在要求的时间精度范围内得到地表土壤水分的空间分布信息。 |